Saturday, July 21, 2012

Buckle Up Campaign for Dogs

Why Buckle?

For decades, seat belts have been protecting families throughout the world from a baby in a car seat, a trucker on the road or a passenger in a car.  

As part of an overall occupant restraint system, seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the wearer from hitting hard interior elements of the vehicle or other passengers (the so-called second impact) and by preventing the passenger from being thrown from the vehicle.

Quote from NHTSA “Wearing your seat belt costs you nothing,” said Nicole Nason, Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.   “But the cost for not wearing one certainly will.   So, don’t risk it with a ticket or worse, your life.   Please remember to buckle up day and night.”

Research has shown that lap/shoulder belts, when used properly, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passenger car occupants by 45 percent and the risk of moderate to critical injury by 50 percent.  For light truck occupants, safety belts reduce the risk of fatal injury by 60 percent and moderate-to-critical injury by 65 percent.

It has been stated that in crashes, unbelted rear passengers increase nearly fivefold the risk of death for belted front passengers.

BUT what about our pets.

Bark Buckle UP campaign educates pet parents on how to put on and take off safety pet belts and the importance of securing their pet safely for travel.

While most of us, spurred by safety concerns and government regulations, wear seat belts as a matter of course, we don't always think about restraining our dogs when they're our passengers.   But going without a restraint poses dangers to dogs and drivers alike.   In the event of a sudden stop or accident, a dog can become a flying projectile that can injure you, your passengers or be thrown through the windshield.   Accidents do happen everyday.

In an accident, an unrestrained animal is dangerous to the human passengers as well. Even in an accident of only 30 mph, a 15-pound child can cause an impact of more than 675 pounds. A 60-pound dog can cause an impact of 2,700 pounds, slamming into a car seat, a windshield, or another passenger. Even if the animal survives, it can impede the progress of rescue workers for whom every moment is precious.

Unrestrained pets can also distract the driver, and cause an accident. Even pets that are normally well behaved could be frightened by something unusual and dive for the driver's feet or lap.

Following a car accident, an unrestrained pet could escape and be hit by another vehicle or cause another collision. And a  frightened dog may attack strangers who are trying to help.

Buckling up is an important safety precaution for pets. 

Many states and provinces now require that pets be restrained while in a moving vehicle and restraints have several advantages.  They help protect pets in case of a collision and they keep pets from running loose and distracting the driver. They also keep pets from escaping the car through an open window or door.

Cats and smaller dogs are often most comfortable in pet carriers.  Carriers give many animals a sense of security and familiar surroundings and can be secured to the car seat with a seat belt or a specially designed carrier restraint (like a child's seat).

There are also pet restraints available that can be used without carriers, including harnesses, seat belt attachments, specially designed pet car seats, as well as vehicle barriers, and restraint systems.

Absolutely do not leave your pet in the car unattended.  Even with windows cracked, and even on a seemingly nice day, temperatures in a car can quickly escalate and kill your pet.  If you will have to leave the pet, the pet shouldn't have come along for that trip.

Secure your pet. You might think it's fun for the pet to sit in your lap or catch some breeze from the bed of your truck. Your pet is not safe in these situations and, in fact, you may endanger yourself and others if you can't drive properly.

You would never toss a child loose in the back-seat. Therefore use the harnesses that attach to seat belts and crates to secure your pets just as you would do for a child.

Keep your pet hydrated. On a trip, it's tempting to skimp on the food and water to avoid pit stops. While you do want to cut back a little, just for your pet's comfort while on the go, be sure your pet gets enough to drink or eat.

If you are driving with a pet, plan for plenty of stops to walk you pet, and give the pet food and water.
  Recreation Vehicles

Motor Coach transportation has been a safe form of transportation in the United States, however, seat belts are still needed for your pets protection.

Seat Belts for Motor Coaches work with Pet Travel Harness or by safely securing Pet Kennels or Pet Car Seats.


 For more safety information visit 

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