Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dutch Rabbits AKA Hollander Rabbits


Dutch Rabbits, known as Hollander Rabbits in Holland!

Dutch Rabbits  aka Hollander Rabbits

Family: Leporidae

Dutch Rabbits are small colorful bunnies with a great disposition. 

They are an excellent pet choice for children and make a great first bunny!

The baby Dutch Rabbits pictured above are about four weeks old. They are still very small and even as adults they will stay small. 

The Dutch Rabbit is not a "dwarf" but it is a very small rabbit. Probably the most recognizable of the small breed rabbits because of its distinct markings. 

It is an excellent all around pet as well as a good choice for showing. Their easy going personality and their small size makes them easy to house.

Background:    Introduced into England from Holland in 1864, the Dutch Rabbit is one of the oldest of the domesticated rabbit breeds and are referred to as Hollander Rabbits in Holland. They are bred as pets, for showing, and as lab animals.

Description:    The adult size is about 4 1/2 pounds. Medium sized and large sized rabbits can get much larger than that! Dutch rabbits can be identified by their distinctive markings, which include the white blaze on their faces and the white band around their upper bodies.

Color differences:    Black is the most popular color of the Dutch Rabbits but other nice colors include blue, chocolate, tortoise, steel gray, and gray.


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