Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter Bunny Mistake?

Easter Bunny Mistake? 

 Alice in Wonderland Image by Milo Winter
Blue Ridge Rabbit Rescue & Foster Care - serving Atlanta and North Georgia.

We know you do not want to abandon your pet, however, circumstances do change and you may find it best to find a humane and loving environment to take the on the responsibility

Please contact us if your time or ability to properly look after your rabbit has changed. We want to help.  All rabbits are welcome.

Please e-mail us with information regarding your location and your rabbit's age and breed.  We will respond within 48 hours.




Dutch Rabbits AKA Hollander Rabbits


Dutch Rabbits, known as Hollander Rabbits in Holland!

Dutch Rabbits  aka Hollander Rabbits

Family: Leporidae

Dutch Rabbits are small colorful bunnies with a great disposition. 

They are an excellent pet choice for children and make a great first bunny!

The baby Dutch Rabbits pictured above are about four weeks old. They are still very small and even as adults they will stay small. 

The Dutch Rabbit is not a "dwarf" but it is a very small rabbit. Probably the most recognizable of the small breed rabbits because of its distinct markings. 

It is an excellent all around pet as well as a good choice for showing. Their easy going personality and their small size makes them easy to house.

Background:    Introduced into England from Holland in 1864, the Dutch Rabbit is one of the oldest of the domesticated rabbit breeds and are referred to as Hollander Rabbits in Holland. They are bred as pets, for showing, and as lab animals.

Description:    The adult size is about 4 1/2 pounds. Medium sized and large sized rabbits can get much larger than that! Dutch rabbits can be identified by their distinctive markings, which include the white blaze on their faces and the white band around their upper bodies.

Color differences:    Black is the most popular color of the Dutch Rabbits but other nice colors include blue, chocolate, tortoise, steel gray, and gray.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Rabbitry Business Card Holder

Two Rabbits are holding your cards in this Cast Iron Business Card Holder

Nice rusty finish on this cast iron holder

Great for displaying your Rabbitry's business cards at work or at Rabbit Shows



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Rabbit Behavior

Rabbit Behavior

 Rabbit 'Marry Lou' clears an obstacle during the Kaninhop (rabbit-jumping) Championships in Weissenbrunn vorm Wald, southern Germany. Obstacles along the course range in height from 25 - 40 cm. Agility, courage and determination are said to be just some of the attributes needed to become a champion jumper at the prestigious event, which originated in Sweden in the early 80s.   via #Rabbit #Rabbit_Jumping #Kaninhop #Weissenbrunn_  Vorm_Wald #Germany #metro_co_uk
People often think rabbits are very easy to look after and that all they need to do is pop them in a hutch in the garden and feed and clean them when needed. However, this is actually very far from the truth!
Nowadays, we have a far greater understanding of what rabbits need to keep them happy and healthy. It is also important to remember that the way a rabbit behaves will depend on their age, personality and past experiences.

Rabbits are prey animals first and foremost and their natural response to a perceived threat is to often run and hide. They have a wonderful ability to interact with humans but need time and regular, gentle handling from an early age to become comfortable around humans.

Offer your rabbits’ lots of bolt holes/hiding within their home and areas they have access to. Open spaces with no protection will cause your rabbits to feel under threat. A good idea is to place the carrier inside the homing area so increase familiarity and reduce stress during vet visits.

Think about what other animals are already in your house, and whether they are a natural predator to rabbits. For example rabbits will feel scared being housed next to dog kennels or ferret enclosures! Make sure your rabbits can always escape and hide if they feel afraid.

If a rabbit’s behavior changes or they show regular signs of stress or fear (such as frequent hiding or being aggressive to you/or other pets), they may be in pain, distressed and /or suffering emotionally. You should get your pet checked by a vet to rule out any form of illness or injury that could be causing the behavior problem. Your vet can then refer you to a behaviour expert if necessary.

Create a ‘wild’ environment for your rabbits
In the wild, rabbits have plenty to keep them occupied, from foraging to reproduction to territorial defence. Pet rabbits, on the other hand, often lack stimulation, which can lead to behavioural problems and poor health. Much like humans, they need to be kept physically and mentally active. You can replicate a rabbit’s natural environment by providing some of the items below:
  • Tunnels (that are wide enough for the rabbits to pass through easily)
  • Tree stumps (from trees that are safe for rabbits to chew, e.g. apple, that have not been sprayed with chemicals) to act as look out points (platforms)
  • Safe, unsprayed twigs (which can be hung up so that they can pull them)
  • Suitable toys (there are many rabbit toys available commercially; ensure any you buy are safe and that your rabbits use them)
  • Digging Box i.e. A planter filled with earth for digging
  • Platforms for hiding under and climbing on
  • Constant access to safe hiding places (such as cardboard boxes)
  • Games, such as food items in brown paper which they have to unwrap
  • Put food in multiple places so they have to move around to find it
  • Use food balls (the treat balls made for cats work well) to feed their nuggets as they will spend longer eating and have fun chasing them around
Rabbits become bored of toys quickly, so rotate items regularly to keep them interested. Ensure there are enough resources for all your rabbits to use at the same time. Regularly inspect items for damage and potential hazards and repair, discard or replace any items that become dangerous.

Digging is a favourite pastime of rabbits, both domestic and wild. By providing digging substrates, such as a child’s sand pit or wide plant pot filled with earth or child-safe play sand, your pet rabbits will be able to dig away without damaging your garden or escaping.

Rabbits’ homes are their castles and in the wild they are very protective of their territory, marking out anything they see as theirs using chin secretions, urine and droppings. These markings also help them to feel reassured as their environment smells familiar. Pet rabbits will also display these behaviours and you should allow them to do so.

Just like humans, rabbits become bored if their environment remains the same, so consider an occasional change of scenery. However, be careful as too much change can be stressful. Wild rabbits’ survival depends on an intimate knowledge of their surroundings in order to escape from predators, so structural changes to your pet rabbits’ ‘warren’ should be kept subtle, such as changing their toys and regularly providing new ones


Your Rabbit's Health

Rabbit Terminology


Here is a quick list of rabbit terminology you should know when raising rabbits.

Abscess- collection of pus caused by infection
Agouti- A color pattern where each individual hair alternates dark and light bands.
Albino- a white haired rabbit with pink eyes.

Belled ears- Ears that lop over or droop, this is sometimes caused in growing rabbits in hot weather.
BEW- blue eyed white rabbit.
Birthing- see kindling
Breed- Group of rabbits that share the same characteristic’s such as color, size, and fur type
Breeding- When you mate rabbits.
Buck- A male rabbit.

Coccidiosis- Coccidiosis is considered to be the most common disease in rabbits and is very hard to cure.   Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoan. There are nine species of this protozoa that can affect rabbits, only one affects the liver, while the other 8 affect the intestines. It seems that younger rabbits have a higher risk for this disease. The disease is spread as the eggs from the protozoa are shed in the rabbit feces, which is then transmitted to other rabbits.
Condition- the general health and appearance of a rabbit.
Colony raising- This system of management is the raising of multiple rabbits together in one area inside or outside.
Crossbreed- breeding rabbits of different breeds.
Culling- Culling is not just the killing of rabbits, but  with that being said you do not want to breed or sell to potential breeders, bad rabbits these are to sold as pets only. Save The Best Eat The Rest!

Dam-The mother of a particular rabbit.
Dewlap- Fold of loose skin under the chin of female rabbits.
Doe- A female rabbit.
Dressed- Skinned and prepared for cooking.

Ear canker- Scabby conditions in rabbits ears caused by ear mite.
Enteritis- Is a Intestinal disturbance in domestic rabbits this is caused by stress and or other underlying diseases.

Foster- Fostering rabbit kits is the act of placing newborn baby rabbits with a different mother doe.

Gestation period- The period of time between breeding and kindling. Usually 28 to 31 days.

Heat stroke- Illness caused by exposer to high temperatures
Hock-First joint of the hind leg of the rabbit.
Hutch- Rabbit housing
Hutch card- Information card on cage that identifies the rabbit and contains breeding information

Jacket off – this means the rabbit will be skinned

Kits- A bunch of bunnies.
Kindling- when the doe is giving birth to young.

Lagomorph- There are about eighty species of lagomorph which include thirty species of pika, twenty species of rabbits and cottontails, and thirty species of hares.
Litter- group of baby rabbits born in one birth
Line breeding- this breeding system is usually the most satisfactory. Line breeding itself is a form of inbreeding, but is less intense. In line breeding, rabbits are mated together which are both descendants from a particular rabbit, but which are as distantly related as possible.

Malocclusion- The misalignment of teeth, this is genetic and rabbits that have this should not be bred.
Molt- Shedding fur
Mucoid enteritis- Disease that usually affect’s young rabbits, symptom’s are loss of appetite, increased thirst, and jelly like diarrhea.

Nest box-  A box to provided for the doe so that she can make a nest and have kits in.
Nesting- when the doe starts to put nesting material in her box.

Outcrossing- is the breeding of two rabbits from unrelated lines.

Palpate- Feeling for the developing embryos within the abdominal cavity of the pregnant doe. This is said to be the most reliable way to determine pregnancy in the domestic rabbits. 
Pedigree- Written record of an animals ancestors, going back at least three generations.
Pelt- skin and fur of a rabbit to be tanned.
Purebred- parents are of the same breed

Rabbitry- place were rabbits are kept
REW- Red or ruby eyed white

Saddle- the meaty hind body and legs
Sire- The father of a particular rabbit.
Sired- fathered
Sore hock- a ulcerated condition of the undersurface of the hind feet of a domestic rabbit. Cause by sparse hair on the hocks, this could be genetics or some breeds like rexes have this naturally. Dirty wet conditions.

Tattoo- permanent mark in ear to identify rabbits.
Test breeding- At about two weeks following breeding, the doe is returned to the buck’s cage. If she is bred, she will whine, growl, and flatten herself against the cage floor. She will not be happy to the buck’s advances. This is often the case, but there are does who will breed if pregnant and those who will refuse the buck when they are not.
Trio- 2 does and 1 buck. They are usually matched for breeding to begin or expand a rabbitry.
Type- General physical make up of a rabbit.

Warren- Warrens are a large fenced enclosed area were rabbits can burrow and live as naturally as possible. This is equal to free ranging chickens.
Weaning- When you take young rabbits away from the mother and their transition to solid food.
Wool block- blockage in the digestive tract cause by fur


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bonding a Pair of Rabbits

rabbits together
What You Need to Know about Bonding a Pair of Rabbits

Rabbits can find a best friend in another rabbit even if there is a huge difference in age or breed. Bonded pairs don’t need to bemale-female, although that’s often the best and easiest pairingas long as they are both neutered. Your rabbit’s best mate can be the same gender.

It also goes almost without saying that if you put two rabbits of the different sex together, they will mate and have babies unless you arrange for them to be neutered. This requires a visit to the vets. Apart from preventing unwanted pregnancies, it’s also true that unneutered rabbits are prone to aggression between each other and that can certainly come out during the bonding process.

No matter which two rabbits you hope to put together, they both need to be vaccinated. Rabbits of all ages are susceptible to infections, so check with your vet and get them protected with the latest vaccines available.
It’s important to remember that the bonding process isn’t always easy. If you experience difficulties, don’t hesitate to consult a professional. Chat to your vet or a local rabbit shelter as they’ll be able to offer tips specific to your rabbit.

How to Bond a Pair of Rabbits
You can bond almost any two rabbits with each other given enough time. Even though it’s successful in most cases, some rabbits just aren’t meant to be together. The easiest way to bond a pair of rabbits is to adopt them together. However, the best case isn’t always feasible.

There are two ways to bond a pair of rabbits. If you can move both to neutral territory, you might be able to fast track the standard bonding process. All good rabbit rescue centres will be able to give you good practical advice on how best to do this. Once you’ve moved both rabbits to this space, you will need to supervise until you can see that your rabbits are lovey-dovey and nuzzling each other. If you spot any signs of aggression, you may need to break up the party.


Most bonding takes place over a longer time. Usually, this entails placing rabbits in neighbouring areas with a boundary between them. This allows rabbits to learn each others’ smells and movements before they actually meet face to face. This process can take months, but it can be worth it if you’ve got a particularly difficult rabbit to bond.

Top Tips to Take Away:

  • Rabbits hate being alone and really want a friend to spend their time with. When a pair of rabbits is in love, it’s known as being bonded.
  • Bonding rabbits isn’t always easy, but nearly every rabbit can be bonded for life. Pairs can be male-female or of the same gender.
  • Even if you’re bonding rabbits of the same gender, you need to ensure that they’re both neutered and up to date on their vaccinations.
  • Bonding rabbits can happen quickly, especially if you have neutral territory and a few hours to supervise. Or, it can take a few months; it really all depends on your pets.
  • If you run into any problems, divide your rabbits and seek advice from a vet or rabbit shelter volunteer.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tips For Choosing Your Rabbit’s Habitat

Rabbit owners can choose from a variety of options to provide the best habitat for their pet rabbit.

Mini Rex rabbit eating in playpen
Most pet rabbits need to be in some type of enclosure, the larger the better, for safety. 
Rabbits USA

Rabbit housing runs a gamut of styles. There are X-pens (exercise pens), rabbit condos, cages, hutches and a rabbit-proofed room. There are also variations of each, such as condos within X-pens. Here are considerations to help you zero-in on the best habitat for your bunny.

See our previous post on Cages - Single, Double Cages and X Pens at:;postID=7471656013900001612;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=7;src=postname

Living Large In The Great Indoors Rabbits can make great indoor pets. They can be litter trained, conditioned to come when called, and some will hop up on your lap to be petted. Another big plus is that rabbits are considerably quieter pets, so you won’t have to deal with barking every time the doorbell rings or be awakened by persistent meowing.

What’s more, companion rabbits that reside inside the home seem to especially thrive and are protected from weather extremes and predators. An indoor rabbit is also more likely to receive consistent social interaction from his owners.

The ideal indoor housing setup for a companion rabbit is simple in concept: the bigger the area, the better. Some rabbit owners have been able to do away with a cage or X-pen altogether, and instead allow their rabbits the run of a designated room or, in some cases, the entire house. However, don’t even think about plopping your new rabbit down in a room of your home and leaving for the day. Many steps must be taken before allowing a rabbit free-range in the home. And the reality is that the majority of companion rabbits need an enclosure of some sort for safety’s sake.

The first order of business is to rabbit-proof any area your bunny will have access to, no matter if it is for five minutes at a time or a full day. It doesn’t take long for a rabbit to chew through an electrical cord or speaker wires, scratch a hole in carpet, dig through flowerpots or nibble on houseplants. Some rabbits have a penchant for crawling in tight spaces, such as behind the fridge or couch, which can make it difficult to entice them to come out. There is also the concern of a door being left open and your rabbit hopping outside.

Bundle all electrical cords with protective tubing (sold at most home-improvement stores), keep houseplants and rugs out of rabbit’s reach, block off areas a rabbit can crawl into and hide (unless you have the time and patience to wait for your rabbit to come back out), and keep a close eye on your rabbit to make sure he doesn’t take a liking to digging into your carpet or chewing up wood furniture or your wall molding. Plenty of chew-appropriate toys will go a long way in helping deter your rabbit from helping himself to your home furnishings! Basic rabbit-proofing also includes taking measures to ensure that your rabbit is not left alone with the household cat or dog, as this can create a prey-versus-predator scenario.

You’ll also want your rabbit to be fully litter-trained. The golden rule to litter training is to start small and go bigger. Limit your rabbit’s range at first so that he is more easily directed to use the litter box. House your rabbit in a cage or enclosure until he consistently uses the litter box, and then you can increase your rabbit’s range by placing the litter box in a designated area of a room.

X Marks The Spot Many rabbit owners find an X-pen setup ideal for keeping their rabbit safely in a designated area while they are away — an important consideration because a pet rabbit’s curiosity can get him into a hazardous situation when left to roam in a home. An X-pen offers a good amount of space for a rabbit to hop about, and a rabbit is likely to be content to be in this large setup while his owners are busy around the home or when other pets are out and about.

A large X-pen can be outfitted with a box, tunnel, small travel carrier with the door removed or a bunny condo to accommodate a rabbit’s preference to sleep/lounge in an enclosed space (his den). Most X-pens can be configured to be rectangular, square or circular in shape, which allows you to make the most of available space. While your rabbit should still be offered daily opportunities for supervised exploration outside the pen, an X-pen is a good housing option for those who are away from home for most of the day. 

Small Houses Lifestyle 
At the bare minimum, your rabbit’s habitat should allow him room to fully stretch out, stand up and move around without bumping into the sides or top. It should also have enough space to accommodate a litter box and allow the rabbit to hop in and out of the litter box. The House Rabbit Society, an international nonprofit organization that educates the public on rabbit care, recommends that a cage be at least four times the size of the rabbit.

While you might not be able to offer your rabbit a wing of his own in your home, you can schedule in daily out-of-cage time and/or allow your rabbit the run of a room whenever you are home. If your rabbit’s habitat is at the small end of the size spectrum, think of it more as your bunny’s sleeping space and temporary housing while you are away. Your rabbit should not be housed in a small cage the entire day, day in and day out, just like a dog should not be expected to stay in a kennel for the majority of his day. 

Create a routine similar to dog owners who keep their pooches indoors full-time, such as those who live in apartments, where walk time needs to be incorporated into the daily schedule. Allow your rabbit out-of-cage time while you get ready for work or school and again when you arrive home. If you work long hours or are otherwise away from home until late evening, a small cage might not be a good housing option for your rabbit.
Add To Your Rabbit’s Real Estate   
If space is a concern, a two-level cage can add extra room for your rabbit. This type of enclosure has a ramp for your rabbit to hop up to a second-floor loft. There are other ways to add to a rabbit’s real estate, such as placing a cardboard bunny condo within an X-pen or securing shelving grids together to add a "yard” around your rabbit’s cage. If you do find a creative way to increase your rabbit’s territory, make sure that it is safe. This means that it has no gaps where your rabbit can get his paws pinched or his head stuck, and that the materials are nontoxic, because it is a rabbit’s instinct to chew. 

One setup to avoid is an enclosure that doesn’t allow air to circulate, such as a glass aquarium. Rabbit urine has a high concentration of ammonia. Containers that block off airflow on all four sides can cause a buildup of ammonia, which can severely affect your rabbit’s respiratory system.
Make The Outdoors Great   
Just as you must take precautions to rabbit-proof and keep your rabbit safe in an indoor housing setup, it is vital that you set up your rabbit for success if you choose an outdoor habitat. This includes protecting your rabbit from the weather extremes and predators, which can include neighborhood cats and dogs, birds of prey, raccoons and possums, and ensuring that your rabbit receives daily social interaction.

Most pet rabbits that are housed outdoors are housed in a hutch. A rabbit hutch is typically a raised, fully enclosed structure constructed for outdoor use. When outfitted correctly, a hutch can offer protection from predators, as well as shelter from the sun and rain. Many hutches have a wire-grate floor to allow feces and urine to fall through to a metal catch-pan below. While this design makes cleaning up easier and keeps your rabbit from having direct contact with his bodily waste, the wire can irritate a rabbit’s feet to the point of open sores if the rabbit has nothing solid to stand on or rest against. A mat, rug, wide flat piece of wood or other surface that allows your rabbit to step off of wire flooring is a necessity. What’s more, many rabbits like to snuggle up against something soft like a blanket or rug, which should be laundered regularly, especially if it is exposed to the elements.

If your rabbit is housed in a hutch outdoors, he should have an enclosed space within the hutch to retreat to. This allows the rabbit additional shelter from the weather, as well as a place to hide if he feels threatened by a predator or other stressful situation. Some hutches have a box-type enclosure worked into the design; if not, you can add one by placing a plastic igloo, a small travel carrier with the door removed, or a sturdy box in a corner of the hutch. 

Setups typically used for indoor housing might not be the best option for a rabbit housed outdoors. A cage placed on the ground might make your rabbit more prone to predation, because it gives cats, raccoons and possums easier access to all four sides, and this placement also allows dogs to run up to it, which can cause undue stress. An open top enclosure, such as an X-pen, generally does not make a good choice for outdoor housing, because it can leave your rabbit vulnerable to aerial assaults by birds of prey or predators like cats and raccoons that can jump or climb into the pen.

An X-pen, however, can make a good outdoor playground for your rabbit whenever you can sit there to offer adequate supervision. If you place the X-pen on grass, make sure the grass hasn’t been treated with weed killers or insecticides, as your rabbit could become ill if he nibbles on the grass. Place the X-pen on a flat area; if it slopes on one side or has an area of depression near one of the sides, your rabbit might be able to squeeze beneath and out of the pen. Also keep an eye out to make sure your rabbit isn’t digging under the X-pen; depending on how soft the ground is, your rabbit could dig under it and be out of the pen in a matter of minutes.

See our previous post on Cages - Single, Double Cages and X Pens at:;postID=7471656013900001612;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=7;src=postname


Consider these things when deciding to house your rabbit indoors or outdoors.

rabbits lounging in hideaway
Rabbits Pepper and Patches/© Courtesy Scott and Stephanie PotterWhere you place your rabbit's cage can affect its health.
A big part of owning a pet rabbit is deciding on where to house it.
Many rabbit enthusiasts recommend housing rabbits indoors. Outdoor rabbits can be preyed upon or frightened by neighborhood cats, birds of prey and other wildlife, and are more susceptible to parasites like ear mites.

Another outdoor hazard is heat. Rabbits do not tolerate hot weather well and can suffer heatstroke very quickly. A rabbit housed inside the home is more likely to receive frequent attention and interaction with household members — which makes the rabbit a more social pet.
As for the exact indoor location, situate your rabbit’s enclosure in an area of your home that receives some foot traffic, but not in a “busy intersection.” Your rabbit should be protected from a pet cat or dog, as well as from direct blasts by air conditioning or heating units.

You can choose one of several options for your rabbit’s indoor habitat.
three rabbits playing on the floor
© Gina Cioli/BowTie StudioIf rabbits live in a cage, give them daily out-of-cage time in a safe area.

1. If you have a room available to devote to your rabbit, rabbit-proof the room and provide it with all the accessories it needs, including a hideaway or a cage that has its door open. Use a pet gate, baby gate or some other method to keep the rabbit in the room. This setup allows your rabbit free-roam but gives it the option to retreat to its cage whenever it wishes.

2. If you can’t devote an entire room to your rabbit, set up a pet exercise pen enclosing as large an area as you have available. Again, include all the accessories it needs (litter box, food and water containers, toys, mats, etc.) and also a cage with its door open all the time or a hideaway.

3. If space is more limited, you can house your rabbit in a cage that’s big enough to contain all your rabbit’s accessories and still allow your rabbit to lie down, stand up and move freely. A larger cage is needed for multiple rabbits. The food station should be as far as possible from the litter area. Rabbits that live in a cage need to have a few hours of daily out-of-cage time. You can set up an exercise pen for this or supervise your pet in a rabbit-proofed room.

If you choose to house your rabbit outdoors, its pen must be fully enclosed and should have a solid top to prevent direct sun exposure and to keep rain out.

Also, offer your rabbit a hiding place, such as a box or tube, where it can feel safe if frightened. (A tall litter box with a large opening, turned upside down works well.)

Your rabbit’s enclosure should be easily accessible and visible, not hidden away in a corner of the yard. A pet rabbit requires daily interaction with you, so make time for indoor play, or create an outdoor rabbit run.

See our previous post on Cages - Single, Double Cages and X Pens at:;postID=7471656013900001612;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=7;src=postname.. 


Monday, March 16, 2015

Hay for Rabbits: The Basis for a Healthy Diet

Rabbit eating hay   But the base of a bunny food pyramid actually isn’t filled by pellets. The most important ingredient to a healthy bunny’s diet is hay. Fresh hay should be provided to rabbits at all times so they can graze when they please. (See the real rabbit food pyramid in a PDF created by the San Diego House Rabbit Society.)

Hay for Rabbits: The Basis for a Healthy Diet

Picture a food pyramid for rabbits. What do you see at the base? If you chose bunny pellets, you wouldn’t be alone. Walking down the small animal aisle in pet stores usually reinforces the idea that bunny food takes the form of a brown pellet mix (and many times with corn kernels and other unhealthy additives thrown in).

Fiber for Digestion

Rabbits have digestive tracts that are specially adapted to break down fibrous vegetation. Hay provides the fiber necessary to keep their digestive systems healthy and motile. A disruption to a rabbit’s digestive cycle can cause gastrointestinal (GI) stasis, a condition in which the contents of the digestive tract become compact, and the rabbit has difficulty passing the mass through. Providing unlimited, fresh hay helps deter this serious, potentially deadly condition.

Roughage for Dental Health

Not only is hay necessary for good digestive health, it also wears down rabbits’ teeth, which continuously grow. Regular hay consumption helps prevent rabbits from developing sharp hooks on their teeth known as molar spurs. Molar spurs can be very painful, causing rabbits to stop eating. Once this happens, GI stasis can occur.

What Kind of Hay

For baby bunnies, alfalfa provides the high caloric content necessary for their development. Once rabbits reach seven months of age, gradually switch them over to timothy, orchard grass, and/or oat hay. For people with allergies, look for the second cutting of hay. When harvesting hay, the first cutting is a coarser hay that includes a lot of stems and seed heads (and inevitably, a lot of pollen). The second cutting consists of a softer hay that includes more leaves and fewer stems and seed heads, thereby reducing people’s allergic reactions significantly.

Hay for rabbitsWhere to Buy

You can usually find bags of hay at most pet stores. However, the absolute most economical place to purchase hay is direct from a local farm. Check Craigslist’s farm/garden section or your local classifieds to find a hay farmer. You can purchase hay in bulk (by the bale) for a fraction of the cost of a pet store bag of hay. One bale (stored in a cool, dry location) can feed a single rabbit for months.
If there are no farms in your area, don’t despair. You can also buy hay for rabbits in bulk online.

Nowadays, there are many reputable online retailers of hay, such as Small Pet Select. Use coupon code  
 MYHOUSERABBIT for free shipping on any size hay order from Small Pet Select. They offer a range of sizes all the way up to 60lbs.


Bunny Rabbit Hay Feeder

A wonderful way to provide fresh hay to your bun without having it strewn all over across the floor.  Made from 3/4 inch thick pieces of high grade all natural kiln dried untreated pin. We do not use stains or paint for bunny safety. These feeders are designed to last.  Easy open lid provides quick access for refilling, and two slanted 4 inch round feeder ports are rounded inside and out for smoothness. Comes with hand carved bunny motif on lid with routered edges to add a cute finishing touch.   Feeder has rubber feet for stability on slippery surfaces. 

Dimensions are 13" high by 12" wide by 8" deep for plenty of hay capacity and to fit all size bunnies. 

Hand made in northern Wisconsin by The Bunny Rabbit Toy Shop

$68.70 with free shipping within the continental USA

80% of an adult rabbit's diet should be hay.  Good quality hay is the most part of a rabbits diet and you're rabbits should Always have access to it. it helps keep their gut moving thus avoiding dangerous gut stasis which left untreated is nearly always also keeps their teeth nice and short and in good condition.  80% of an adult rabbit's diet should be hay. Good quality hay is the most part of a rabbits diet and you're rabbits should Always have access to it. it helps keep their gut moving thus avoiding dangerous gut stasis which left untreated is nearly always fatal.  It also keeps their teeth nice and short and in good condition

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Benefits of Adopting a Pet Rabbit

Benefits of Adopting a Pet Rabbit

Minilop rabbitContinually overrun with abandoned rabbits, local shelters and rescues are the best place to find a new pet bunny. Not only will you save an animal from possible euthanasia, there are also several additional benefits.

Rescues often have rabbits of varying sizes, breeds, and ages. So, if you were looking specifically for a young, agouti mini lop, you will most likely find a good fit at the local shelter. But, you also might surprise yourself and fall in love with an older mixed breed rabbit once you start looking.

Aside from the ability to choose from a wide selection of different kinds of rabbits, adopting from a shelter or rescue is also very convenient. Volunteers at rescues take the time to acclimate rabbits to living in apartments and houses. In this way, the time you would have to take to train the rabbit is cut down considerably.

For example, volunteers will litter box train the rabbits as they come in, so although a rabbit may take a little while to adjust to living in a new home, you will not need to litter train your new bunny from scratch.
Furthermore, because a lot of rescued rabbits live in foster homes, many are accustomed to living in households with children and other pets.

So if your household situation is similar, adopting a rabbit who is already comfortable in that environment makes the transition easier for both you and the rabbit.

If you were interested in having multiple pet rabbits, you may be able to adopt a bonded pair or trio. This saves you the time and effort of bonding the rabbits yourself. Adopting a bonded pair or trio is ideal if you work full time because the rabbits can entertain each other while you’re gone.

In addition to saving a lot of time and effort, adopting a rabbit from a rescue also saves you money on vet bills. Rabbit rescues usually have partnerships with local vets, and rabbits will be spayed or neutered upon reaching sexual maturity. So you can adopt a rabbit after he or she has recovered from the surgery and not have to worry about paying for the procedure.
Bunny Physical
Moreover, some rabbits suffer from health conditions of varying severity. One common affliction is malocclusion, a condition where the rabbit’s teeth are not aligned properly and the rabbit is unable to wear down his/her teeth.

When you adopt from a rescue, all the rabbits will be checked for malocclusion as well as other afflictions. They will then be properly treated.

If the rabbit has an chronic health issue, the rescue will alert potential new parents of the condition, so only those willing and able to care for the bunny can adopt him/her. If you purchase a rabbit from a breeder or pet store, they may not alert you to any pre-existing health problems.

Finally, rescue volunteers are very knowledgeable. Before leaving you on your own with your new companion, they will make sure you know how to properly care for your bunny. Understanding the behavior and needs of your rabbit will be essential to creating a rewarding, long-term relationship.



Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rabbit Hay Feeder and Litter Box

Bunny Rabbit Hay Feeder

A wonderful way to provide fresh hay to your bun without having it strewn all over across the floor. 
Made from 3/4 inch thick pieces of high grade all natural kiln dried untreated pin. We do not use stains or paint for bunny safety. These feeders are designed to last. 

Easy open lid provides quick access for refilling, and two slanted 4 inch round feeder ports are rounded inside and out for smoothness. Comes with hand carved bunny motif on lid with routered edges to add a cute finishing touch.   Feeder has rubber feet for stability on slippery surfaces. 

Dimensions are 13" high by 12" wide by 8" deep for plenty of hay capacity and to fit all size bunnies. 

Hand made in northern Wisconsin by The Bunny Rabbit Toy Shop

$68.70 with free shipping within the continental USA

Solid Pine Bunny Rabbit feeder with built in slide out litter box.

Developed as a solution to the problem of bunnies throwing hay all over their cage and creating a mess.  This combination also encourages proper litter box use by giving the bunny an additional  purpose to use this box.

Hay stays clean and dry in this feeder while bunny sits neatly in its litter tray! A slide out litter tray allows for quick and easy cleaning!

Lid is hinged with heavy duty hinges for easy hay refills. 

Comes with cute hand cut bunny motif on the top as well as hangers on the side for salt and mineral licks (which also come with this unit).  

Dimensions are: 20 inches long by 15 inches high by 13 inches wide.. Litter box measures 11 inches by 14 inches.

Hand made in northern Wisconsin by The Bunny Rabbit Toy Shop

 $107.00 with free FedEx shipping within the continental USA



Safely Take Your Rabbit, Cat Or Dog With You

Pet Gear Car Seat/Carrier - For your Rabbit, Cat or Dog - Black

Our car seat/carrier easily attaches with the car seat belt to keep your carrier secure in the seat and your pet safe.

The carrier has carry handles to facilitate transportation, top and front zippered doors for easy accessibility, fleece pad, interior tether, and rear pouches for small storage.

Dimensions: 19"L x 12.5"W x 12"H.
  • Carrier and car seat all in one
  • Front and top zippered mesh windows
  • Fleece pad cover is washable
  • Tether included for keeping your pet close at hand
  • Rear storage pouches and seat belt strap

A Tether is included for keeping your pet safe and secure inside the carrier

$47.49 with free shipping within the continental USA


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Another Rabbit Huch To Be proud Of

54" Solid Fir Wood Rabbit Hutch and Chicken Coop

Like many of our other easy to assemble chicken coops, the 54" Solid Fir Wood Chicken Coop is made from fully treated and grooved Fir wood.

This is an ideal coop for approximately 3 small hens or other small animals, and is made from natural insulating wood construction. The coop has many openings, including a hinged roof, for easy cleaning and ample ventilation.

This compact chicken coop or rabbit hutch can fit in the smallest of yards, and will give your animals a comfortable living environment with an open lower floor for scratching and foraging in the grass.

There are no nesting boxes or roosts in this coop, so it may be necessary to install these for comfortable chicken living.

This lightweight coop can be moved fairly easily if you want to continually provide your animals with fresh grass on the floor of the coop. This will also help preserve and fertilize your lawn. All doors are secured with lockable slide bolts to protect your animals from predators. If you're looking for a compact, lightweight, and durable coop or rabbit hutch for your yard, this is a perfect option. With a droppings drawer, multiple doors, and a hinged roof; keeping this coop clean and comfortable for your animals will be a breeze.
Product Facts

54" Solid Fir Wood Rabbit Hutch and Chicken Coop

  • Light weight and easy to assemble and disassemble
  • Ample windows and hinged roof for easy cleaning and ventilation
  • Dropping drawer for cleanliness
  • Ramp to lower level for grazing and foraging in grass
  • Heavy duty galvanized wire and cage clasps keep your animals in and predators out!

Price $169.00 with Free shipping within the continental USA



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wooden Rabbit House and Chicken Coop

Little Lodge Wooden Rabbit House and Chicken Coop

The Little Lodge Wooden Rabbit House and Chicken Coop is a smaller and affordable option for small laying hens, bantam chickens, or rabbits. We recommend keeping no more than 2 small hens or 3-4 small bantams in this coop, and we would recommend allowing for more room to free range during the day if possible. 
This newly designed coop is made from fully treated and grooved Fir Wood, and like most of our other coops is treated with a water based preservative for longevity. A benefit to this coop is that all parts can be assembled and disassembled for easy transportation

This compact coop and rabbit hutch will fit nicely into a small backyard and provide secure protection from predators. The lower level has an open floor for access to scratching and foraging in the grass while providing some extra space for moving around. Though this coop does not come with a built in roost or nest box, they can be added to the interior. 
Also ideal for rabbits, this coop has a droppings tray with access from the front door of the hutch that will enable you to easily remove droppings from the upper level of the rabbit cage.
Provide your laying hens or pet rabbits with a quality living space that is affordable, durable, and most importantly - easy to assemble! The coop has plenty of doors and windows for ventilation and the felt roof will provide protection from most weather.
Product Facts

Little Lodge Wooden Rabbit House and Chicken Coop

  • Easy assembly and lightweight for convenient mobility.
  • Large hinged doors for easy cleaning
  • Durable treated and grooved wood to withstand the elements
  • Water resistant shingled roof
  • Solid Fir Wood Construction
$164.60 with free shipping within the continental USA


Returns must be completed within the product's 90 day warranty period. There is a 20% restocking fee on returned items
